What is aromatherapy?
Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils for certain benefits.
Examples include lavender, orange and bergamot, and eucalyptus.
These “aromas” are all plant-based derivatives from herbs, tree extracts, and flowers. Essential oils are highly concentrated, so to be used correctly, they should be diluted into milder oils, humidifiers, or lotions.
The overall purpose of aromatherapy is meant to improve your physical and mental well-being. More consumers are testing out essential oil products than ever before by diffusing them at home or diluting them for skin usage.
Does aromatherapy work?
Trusted Source, the results showed a greater decrease in anxiety symptoms after massages with chamomile versus massage without aromatherapy.
Overall, the NCI notes that aromatherapy has shown benefits for the following uses: anxiety depression insomnia nausea pain