Massage is a gentle and effective treatment for many different symptoms or just as pampering.
A very common problem among newborns is colic and stomach ache.
Help against colic and stomach ache in babies.
Sometimes the child has difficulty getting rid of feces, other times it just seems that they have a stomach ache after, e.g., have eaten.
If your child has colic or stomach pain, there is a good chance that massage can alleviate the problem in whole or in part.
Massage can benefit newborns, babies, and children.
Children are usually very receptive to massage. Massage can improve the hormonal, immune, and nervous systems of newborns and babies.
Here are some examples of what baby and toddler massage can be used for.
- Cries a lot and is restless
- Restlessness and sleep problems
- Colic, stomach problems, or other stomach symptoms
- Tight stomach, neck, and back
- Vomiting problems.
- Flat or crooked back head
-Head is crooked or pulls to one side -Discrepancies in the skull, neck, spine, or hips