The sports massage course uses acupressure, among other things. Acupressure is acupuncture without needles
We use the same points that an acupuncturist will do, we just use our fingers instead of the needles. When you master this technique, you will be able to make just as good results with your fingers in pain treatment as an acupuncturist will be able to with needles in pain treatment. With the course in Acupressure, you get insight into the philosophy behind Chinese acupressure. Suggestions for solutions on how to relieve everything from musculoskeletal pain to relieving menstrual pain. Meridian massage is suitable for creating an energy balance for your clients.
Techniques that can easily be combined with other forms of treatment such as physiotherapy massage, skull sacral therapy, and reflexology.
In the sports massage course, you will learn to locate and combine significant punks, which help to dissolve the blockages and stagnation.
Problems that can trigger physical pain and symptoms of general disorders in the body such as headaches and migraines, golf and tennis elbow as well as symptoms of allergies.
Meridians and acupuncture points: The body consists of approx. 660 localized acupuncture points distributed throughout the body on a total of 12 pairs of meridians running like a fine system throughout the body. The body's meridians supply it with life energy also called Qi.
If Qi flows freely through the ducts, then one will not experience pain in the body, but if they are blocked and stagnated for various reasons,
It will not only cause pain in the musculoskeletal system, but also hormonal disorders, such as hot flashes in women due to menopause.